
Day Four: Find someone who's turning and you will come around

Listening: Neil Young, "Don't Let It Bring You Down"

Y'all, Las Vegas made me feel ILL. We stayed in North Vegas and originally planned to go get gaudy at the Liberace Museum and cruise the strip, but we slept in a little more than we'd wanted to (big surprise, I know). Anyway, driving through that part of town to get back to the interstate made me feel really anxious and nauseous due to all the traffic and the heat. Also, I never, ever want to live in a town where you have to see payday loan places, plethora of pawn shops and various dens of vice - not that there's anything wrong with having your vices, but when it's in excess, it bothers me.

Okay I'm done with that. On to the good stuff!

After Las Vegas, we went to a viewpoint to see Lake Mead. The lake is the largest man made lake in the U.S. It spans 100 miles and is super pretty. It also was way hot there. We were there around noon, hours before the heat of the day set in:

Then we went on to the Hoover Dam. There was a lot of traffic and we recognized that now familiar smell of burning brakes, but on other cars this time! Yay for learning how to better drive my car down hills! Anyway, Judy and I were both super hot and drank some electrolyte-loaded water before we went to the actual dam. One thing about this trip, too, has been finding shaded areas where I can park my car. Anyway, enough talk and see the dam!

After the Hoover Dam, we got on the road again and headed into Arizona. After a while, the heat go to us again and I wanted to see some of the little towns on old Route 66. We stopped in for a burger (with green chilies for me!) and root beer at Mr. D'z Drive In in Kingman, AZ:

And then with full bellies and excitement, we headed to the Grand Canyon. All night last night I tossed and turned and had awful dreams about my brakes failing and going over the edge of the rim, not at all the roaring ways of Thelma & Louise. We finally got here and it's super dark and I can already tell this is going to be so awesome.

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